Seminar: Elbow Joint Rehabilitation – A Physiotherapist's Approach
Date: 19.12.2024 - 20.12.2024
Time: 09:00 -17:00
Venue: RSU Medical Education Technology Centre, Anniņmuižas Boulevard 26A
TIP: 16 (No.TIP2024/502)
Number of places: 30
Lecturer - Val Jones, PT, PhD. (UK)
Val Jones (PT, PhD. ) is a practitioner, researcher and internationally renowned lecturer specializing in elbow rehabilitation. She has published in peer reviewed journals, has been a representative of the British Elbow and Shoulder Council and has chaired the European Union for Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation (EUSSER).
Workshop content:
- Anatomy and pathology of the elbow joint
- Investigation
- Testing options based on severity of pathology, structural damage
- Evidence-based conservative treatment options for different pathologies:
- Tennis elbow
- Rehabilitation of post-traumatic elbow, prevention of contractures
- Elbow instability
- Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint
- Ulnar nerve neuropathy
- Olecranon bursitis
- Post-operative management of rehabilitation related to distal suture of the biceps muscle, ligament reconstruction, elbow joint replacement.